I told you so

Me and Maysa

Me and Maysa

I will regret this post. I scold myself when I criticize young men for being timid. I always hate when I do that. Still, confessing my anxiety might help.

There is some advantage to getting old, and I celebrate it in this post.

One of the advantages is that I realize how severely stuck the world is because we have heard so very many promises of progress that were bullshit. I’ve been around through many promises.

Old people, if they have been paying any attention at all, know the hallmarks of bullshit.

We also notice that the tolerance for BS has increased during our life time. Almost everything in the public domain is now BS.

Readers of this blog, if I really have any, know that my chief criticism of people is the failure of men to be men. Males have opted, as much as possible, for acceptance, whatever that might mean to them. Boldness has vanished. Even men covered with tattoos are trying to fit in to a peer group. All males are trying to fit into a peer group except for Jon Stewart and a few companions.

I am sad for young people because my generation passed on to you so little of value. We set the bar very low, and that is all you have seen. We think the invention of Facebook is an accomplishment. Shit. That is how far we have fallen.

All the interesting energy today comes from women. All of it.

I don’t know how to fix this. If you do, please share with me. Guys, I accept and honor your silence. It’s what you know.


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